“You Want to be Used” – the greatest purpose of life

Ever imagined what would you like to do, if money was no object? The purpose of life is certainly not doing something you don’t like, just for the sake of earning money. If that was all, God wouldn’t have sent you here. There are things, the creator didn’t create but left us with the responsibility to discover and build. Even if you don’t believe in God, believe in yourself and try to understand, why were you here. Why is it that at times you feel, nobody understands you. This is because, you are different than every other person you know, or you don’t. You are unique and you have come to life, for a purpose which is powered by one currency, that is time. The more you try repeating something you don’t like from your heart, the more time resource you are wasting and moving towards an unsatisfactory end. This is NO philosophy, but facts, backed by modern science. I will discuss more about relation of the heart to your wishes, desires and emotions in my next post.
Here is a small video with narration by Alan Watts. It is a must watch to understand how you can figure out, the purpose of your life.
Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. – Wikipedia